Terms and conditions for purchase and use of Oslo Bysykkel

Your responsibility for the bike

You are responsible for the bike from the time you unlock it from a station until you have delivered it back to a station. Always check for confirmation on the phone that the bike has been parked correctly. If you damage or lose a bicycle, it can cost you up to NOK 15,000.

The responsibility you have as a user

You must be 18 years old to use Oslo Bysykkel. Follow the traffic rules, be considerate of others and ride carefully. A City Bike product is personal.

The responsibility we have for your data

We anonymize and take good care of them.

Terms and conditions for Oslo City Bike

1. About Oslo City Bike

2. How to use Oslo City Bike

3. Your responsibility

4. Exceeded maximum rental period

5. Loss of City Bike

6. Resale

7. Payment of product

8. Misuse of the service

9. Privacy policy

10. Purchase and receipt of gift cards

11. Changes

1. About Oslo City Bike

Oslo City Bike is a bike sharing service that gives you access to approximately 3 000 City Bikes, that you can ride between 260 stations within Ring 3. You simply use the app to unlock a bike, and get immediate access to cheap, fast and environmentally friendly transport in Oslo. By "City bike" we include both manual and electric bikes.

Opening hours are specified in About Oslo City Bike.

Oslo City Bike is developed and operated by UIP Drift AS, Reg.nr 920 285 376 (hereafter UIP) on behalf of Clear Channel Norway, in collaboration with Oslo municipality. To use the city bikes, you must have purchased a product and registered with a valid phone number and payment information. The service works as described under How it works. The facility's season and opening times are specified in About Oslo Bysykkel.

When you approve these terms of purchase, use and privacy, you enter into an agreement with UIP. This also applies if you pay for a product and collect a bicycle through the Ruter app. In case of misuse of the service, UIP has the right to block access to the service permanently, see section 8 for more information.

2. How to use Oslo City Bike

2.1 You must be 18 years or older to buy our products and use Oslo Bysykkel. If you are older than 15 years old, you can use manual bicycles if you have a written authorization from a guardian that is sent to customer service at post@oslobysykkel.no before you start using our services. Note that you may be liable for compensation for a damaged or lost bicycle even if you are under 18, according to the Damage Compensation Act. Electric City Bikes must only be used by those over 18 years of age.

2.2 A City Bike product is personal, where you and UIP are the only parties to this agreement. You are the only user of the Service. For that reason, you cannot lend the City Bike or user account to others. If you lose or have your mobile phone stolen, this must be reported to post@oslobysykkel.no to prevent misuse of your account.

2.3 Registration and purchases are made in our app (iPhone and Android), on our website oslobysykkel.no/kjop or through the Ruter app. You can also activate a product by redeeming a value code that you have received. To use the service, you must register your telephone number and other information required at all times, an active payment card/method and purchase a product.

2.4 You have the right to cancel a product within 24 hours after the time of purchase, however only if you have not yet unlocked a bike. Use beyond a trip’s rental period will be deducted automatically, and this payment cannot be canceled. For more information, see the Act the 20th June 2014 on the obligation to provide information and the right of withdrawal for distance sales and sales outside permanent business premises (the Right of Withdrawal Act) chapter 6, section 22 letter m."

2.5 A product gives you full access to the service during the period the product lasts. What kind of products are available for sale, at what prices and duration, may vary. You can only have one active product at a time.

2.6 An active product allows you to unlock City Bikes through the app. Use the Oslo Bysykkel-app to find available City Bikes and parking. You can only unlock one City Bike at a time. Oslo Bysykkel cannot guarantee that there is always a free City Bike where you want to start a trip, or a free lock for parking where you want to end your trip.

2.7 Only one person is allowed on the City Bike at a time. Maximum total weight on the bicycle is 95 kg.

2.8 You can have the City Bike for the number of minutes that applies to your product before you have to lock it in a station. If you fail to return the City Bike before the included time expires, you will be charged for extended rental at the current rates for your product. You will receive an SMS with a reminder that the included time runs out 5-10 minutes before you are charged.

2.9 The City Bike must not be used in forests and fields, or for cycling outside regular roads.

2.10 You can always return a City Bike to an available lock, also when the service is closed for the night. You must always check the app for confirmation that the bike has been delivered correctly.

2.11 If you do not receive confirmation in the app that the City Bike has been delivered, it is still registered as being in use by you. Try parking the City Bike again by lifting the seat up and pushing the nose firmly into the lock. Alternatively, you can try a different lock. Do not immediately pull the City Bike to check that it is locked, as this may interfere with the locking process. On the electric City Bikes, there is also a lock on the rear wheel. It may take a few seconds for this to lock.

Check the app for confirmation again. If the bike still is not registered as delivered in the app, please follow this procedure: Take a photo of the City Bike that shows both the bike's name and that the bike is locked in the station, and send the photo together with the name of the station and the number on the lock the bike is parked in, via chat or to post@oslobysykkel.no. If Customer Service is closed, you will not be able to end your trip until Customer Service opens again, and will therefore not be able unlock a new City Bike. In addition, you will be charged for the extended rental and receive an SMS that your account is suspended. Customer service will end the trip, refund the money and remove the block during office hours, if you have sent the documentation described above.

2.12 If a station is not visible, or is listed as "Closed" in the app, it is not in operation. However, if you still park the City Bike in a station that is not in service, e.g. due to a power outage, the City Bike will not be registered by the system, and you will not receive confirmation in the app that the bike has been returned correctly. It is then your responsibility to make sure that the bike is properly secured in the station and to document this with a photo. Follow the same procedure as mentioned in section 2.10. The consequences of not receiving a confirmation are the same as described in section 2.10.

2.12 The service can be partially or completely closed on short notice, i.e. due to weather / biking conditions or special events in the city. Look for information in the app, on our social media accounts (Instagram og Facebook) and sign up for our newsletter for the latest news. No refunds will be given for the time the service is unavailable.

2.13 You can stop using the service and have your registered personal data deleted at any time. Contact us at post@oslobysykke.no if you want to be removed from our system.

3. Your responsibility

3.1 It is your responsibility to ensure that the City Bike is correctly parked and to check for confirmation in the app that the trip has ended. See section 2.11 for procedures if you do not receive this confirmation.

In the app, you should see that it says "The bike has been delivered" and then "Thank you for the ride", the start and end station, the duration of the trip the ride took, the name of the City Bike you used and the total price, if the ride was with an electric City Bike.

If the bike is not parked correctly and is consequently lost, you are liable for compensation if the bike does not return within 14 days. This also applies if you unlock a bicycle via the Ruter app.

3.2 It is your responsibility to have a phone with enough battery during the ride so you are able to check the app for confirmation that the City Bike has been parked correctly.

3.3 You are responsible for returning the City Bike to a station within the time you have paid for. For the consequences of exceeding the rental period, see section 4. If an electric City Bike runs out of battery while you are on a trip, you must still return it to a City Bike rack.

3.4 If you leave your City Bike outside one of our stations, it is entirely at your own risk. If the bike is stolen, you are liable for compensation if the bike does not return within 14 days.

3.5 The City Bikes are put out on the street in a good condition and are frequently controlled and maintained. It is however still possible to find defective bikes in our stations. UIP is not responsible for any incidents and damages that may occur if you ride one of these intentionally or negligently.

You are responsible for checking that the City Bike you are given is complete and in a safe condition BEFORE you start using it. Do not use the City Bike if there are visible faults or defects. In any case, always check that the following works and is complete:

  • Lights
  • Brakes
  • Wheels, chain and frame
  • Pedals and seat
  • Handlebars

If you discover defects and damages, the City Bike must not be used. Put the bike back into the station, and report the damage in the app after you have received confirmation that the bike has been returned. This way you will help every user of Oslo City Bike.

In the app you can see the battery level of the electric City Bikes. When the level is low they will be locked to the station.

If you experience or discover damages during your ride, please contact our Customer Service immediately either by chat, or by mail at post@oslobysykkel.no if you are not able to put the City Bike back into a station and report the damage in the app.

3.6 If you get a fine due to the lack of lights on the City Bike, this must be paid by you. On the electric City Bikes, if there is no front light, you can try pressing the button under the light to see if this helps.

3.7 You are responsible for following traffic rules and evaluating if the weather conditions are safe enough for bicycling.

3.8 You are responsible for damages that you cause to yourself, your belongings or others and their belongings. You are responsible for costs related to such damages, and we therefore recommend that you have valid travel and contents insurance at all times, which may have relevant cover for such damages. Oslo Bysykkel has liability insurance that can be applied to incidents where Oslo Bysykkel is legally responsible for compensation and where the amount of compensation exceeds NOK 100,000. Terms and limitations apply.

3.9 You must not use a City Bike under the influence of alcohol, drugs, medications or other substances that may impact your ability to ride a City Bike safely.

3.10 You must ride a City Bike with responsibility and in a way that does not damage the City Bike. If you damage the City Bike on purpose, you are liable for compensation for the bike and will be banned from the service.

3.11 You are responsible for entering and updating the information relating to your profile. This can be done both in the app and under your profile oslobysykkel.no. If your payment card has expired or lacks coverage, your account may be blocked if you have an outstanding payment linked to your profile.

4. Exceeded maximum rental period

4.1 If you exceed the maximum rental time, you will receive an SMS that informs you that the City Bike is not parked and that your account has been suspended. You can not unlock a bike or buy new products when your account is suspended.

4.2 Your account will be suspended as long as the bike is lost or damaged, not paid for or a payment plan has not been started.

4.3 Contact UIP immediately via chat, or at post@oslobysykkel.no if you think you have received an incorrect warning or suspension.

5. Loss of City Bike

5.1 After use, you must return the City Bike to one of Oslo City Bike’s active stations. If the bike is not parked correctly, and you therefore do not receive a confirmation in the app that the City Bike has been delivered, you are liable for compensation if the bike is stolen and does not return within 14 days.

5.2 If the City Bike you last used is still missing from the system after 14 days, it is considered lost, and you will receive an invoice of NOK 5,000 for a manual City Bike and NOK 15,000 for an electric City Bike.

The claim is maintained if the City Bike is returned to the system after the 14 days have passed. This is to cover costs for extra work related to the missing bike, thorough checks and repairs, as well as the time the City Bike has been unavailable to our users.

5.3. If the City Bike you last used shows up with extensive damage so that it has to be discarded or cannot be used without extensive repairs, you will be liable for the damages regardless of the time that has passed, and will receive an invoice of NOK 5,000 - 15,000.

5.4 If you are under 18 years old, your guardian is liable for compensation.

6. Resale

6.1 You are not allowed to resell products unless a separate, written agreement allows this.

6.2 If we discover resale of products, it will be treated as breach of terms. The relevant product will then be terminated by UIP without notice or refund. In addition, UIP reserves the right to ban you from UIP's services in the future.

7. Payment of product

7.1 UIP reserves the right to charge your payment card/account directly when you purchase a product, exceed the included rental time, or have an active running product. Monthly subscriptions and annual subscriptions are automatically renewed at the current price. If you wish to turn off automatic renewal, you can do this in your profile on oslobysykkel.no.

7.2 You must be authorized to use the payment method you register. You hereby authorize UIP to charge it for any purchase and fees that occur due to your misuse of the service.

7.3 Payments to us are done through a third-party provider of payment solutions. We are not responsible for the payment process, or any costs associated with this.

7.4 If you want to dispute any fees or charges given by UIP, you must contact us within 90 days after the withdrawal has been made, together with relevant information for the case.

7.5 UIP reserves the right to deduct any outstanding payments from the registered payment information. If the payment cannot be completed due to lack of coverage, wrong card number, change of payment card or method etc., UIP reserves the right to charge you automatically and without notice when this information is updated.

7.6 Information about your transactions is stored for 5 years in accordance with the Bookkeeping Act. This is independent of whether you have deleted your account.

8. Misuse of the service

8.1 In case of misuse of the service, UIP can block your access to Oslo City Bike permanently. Abuse means among other:

  • Sharing of product
  • Resale
  • Incorrect personal information
  • Vandalism
  • Negligent bicycling
  • Bad behavior towards UIP employees

9. Privacy policy

When purchasing a product from Oslo City Bike, UIP will process personal data about you. Please see our privacy policy, which regulates our processing of your personal data.

10. Purchase and receipt of gift cards

10.1 Gift cards can be purchased via our websites by both users and non users.The buyer has no right of withdrawal and agrees that this agreement is fulfilled by both parties so that the rules on the right of withdrawal for distance sales of financial services do not apply. For more information please check Lov om opplysningsplikt og angrerett ved fjernsalg og salg utenom faste forretningslokaler (angrerettloven) (gjennomføring av direktiv 2011/83/EU om forbrukerrettigheter) (kapittel 1, §2).

10.2 Recipients must be older than 18 years, or over 15 with authorization from a guardian to use a City Bike.

10.3 Gift vouchers can only be used during the current year, or during the period indicated.

10.4 The buyer will receive the gift card on the registered email after the purchase is fulfilled. It is the buyer's responsibility to forward the gift card to the recipient.

10.5 The recipient must redeem the code itself and, if not a previous user, register in the app or on oslobysykkel.no with a phone number and valid payment card/method.

10.6 The value code cannot be exchanged for cash. The code will be valid for 1 year from the date of issuance or purchase.

11. Changes

The terms and conditions were last updated on 29/07/2024. UIP reserves the right to change and update these conditions if necessary, and by using Oslo City Bike you agree to be bound by the conditions in force at all times. We recommend that you regularly read through and familiarize yourself with our terms of service.