Historical data
Here you can find monthly anonymised trip data from Oslo City Bike. Are you doing anything cool with this data? Let us know on post@oslobysykkel.no.
Trip data
Legacy trip data from before April 2019 can be found at the bottom of this page
Ideas to get you started
- 🚌 Compare the speed of cycling to other forms of public transport
- 🚲 Visualise the most popular cycling routes in Oslo
- ⚡️ Map out the "rush hour" of different stations
- 📈 Make a neat infographic based on these numbers
The data is published under the Norwegian Licence for Open Government Data (NLOD) 2.0
Data selection
The data include trips with a duration of at least one minute, made during Oslo City Bike regular opening times. This excludes cancelled trips and bikes moved by our team. The data is published at midnight UTC, meaning there will be different number of trips for a day in this data, compared to the numbers on the live station page that is following local timezone.Variables
Variable | Format | Description |
started_at | Timestamp | Timestamp of when the trip started |
ended_at | Timestamp | Timestamp of when the trip ended |
duration | Integer | Duration of trip in seconds |
start_station_id | String | Unique ID for start station |
start_station_name | String | Name of start station |
start_station_description | String | Description of where start station is located |
start_station_latitude | Decimal degrees in WGS84 | Latitude of start station |
start_station_longitude | Decimal degrees in WGS84 | Longitude of start station |
end_station_id | String | Unique ID for end station |
end_station_name | String | Name of end station |
end_station_description | String | Description of where end station is located |
end_station_latitude | Decimal degrees in WGS84 | Latitude of end station |
end_station_longitude | Decimal degrees in WGS84 | Longitude of end station |
Real time data
You may also get real time data about bike and station availabilityLegacy trip data
The legacy trip data follows a different format. This is the available variables:
Variable | Format | Description |
start_station_id | String | Unique ID for start station |
start_time | Timestamp | Timestamp of when the trip started |
end_station_id | String | Unique ID for end station |
end_time | Timestamp | Timestamp of when the trip ended |
Stations have different identifiers in the legacy data. Some of the locations might also have changed. These files will help you: